Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение
Гимназия № 26
01.07.2024, 00:16

/ Персональные страницы / Сушкова Е.Л.

Sushkova Ekaterina Leonidovna -


The English teacher

of gymnasium № 26 from Tomsk



"Later thoughts are usually more reasonable".




Education: "Tomsk Polytechnic University"

Diploma: "Institute of Language Communication"

Qualification: "Linguist, interpreter"

Specialty:  "Interpretation and translation"

on June 30, 2005






 Audio application to the textbook of English for 5 - 6 classes:




015 - Unit 3, Exercise 2
016 - Unit 3, Exercise 3
017 - Unit 3, Exercise 4
018 - Unit 3, Exercise 6
019 - Unit 3, Exercise 7
020 - Unit 3, Be Polite
021 - Unit 3, Exercise 8
022 - Unit 3, Exercise 15
023 - Unit 3, Exercise 22
024 - Unit 3, Exercise 26
025 - Unit 3, Exercise 34


003 - Unit 1, Lessons 1,2, Exercise 12, Song 'The ABC song'
086 - Unit 4, Lesson 1, Exercise 2, Song 'A super cat'
131 - Unit 5, Lessons 6,7, Exercise 10, Song 'A day of a star'
137 - Unit 6, Lesson 2, Exercise 4, Song 'Do you live in London'
153 - Unit 6, Lesson 7, Exercise 5, Song 'A birthday song'
194 - Unit 9, Lessons 2,3, Exercise 2, Song 'Summer is fun',  'A winter day'


   Practice Tongue Twisters!!! 

"She sells sea shells by the sea shore."

"Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup." 

"The blue bluebird blinks."

*  Zebras zig and zebras zag."

"Quick kiss, quick kiss, quick kiss."

"Three free throws."

"Kitty caught the kitten in the kitchen."



A forum for students and parents-6 "E" class: Secret message


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